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Lifestyle Medicine

Prevention, well-being and lifestyle

Most chronic diseases can be prevented. In order to address the causes of these diseases and in order to achieve a successful prevention, special emphasis must be placed on the aspects of preventive medicine that focuses on the lifestyle.

According to the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine and the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization, Lifestyle Medicine is an interdisciplinary field of Applied Medicine, Psychosocial and Neurosciences, Public and Environmental Health and Biology.

It aims to implement comprehensive lifestyle changes, including diet, physical activity, stress management, social support, and environmental reporting, in order to prevent and/or treat the progression of chronic diseases by addressing their underlying causes.

It includes the research, prevention, diagnosis and treatment of the dysfunctions, caused by unhealthy lifestyles (Lifestyle Related Diseases, LRDs).

Lifestyle medicine interventions include controlling the assessment of health risk factors, counseling behavior towards health behaviors, and the clinical application of lifestyle changes. It is often combined with drug therapy, as well as with other forms of therapy (e.g., Psychotherapy, Chiropractic, Physiotherapy, Diet).


Prevention is mainly aimed at avoiding risk factors associated with the occurrence of cancer. It includes lifestyle changes, increased physical activity, choosing a healthy diet, and striving for physical and mental well-being.



Smoking is associated with at least 30% of all cancers with low mortality and causes almost 90% of all lung cancers. People who live with smokers (passive smokers) are more likely to develop lung cancer and even limited exposure to secondhand smoke can increase the risk of a heart disease.


Making the right dietary choices is a powerful cancer prevention tool. Through health coaching, choosing a nutritious diet becomes beneficial for both the prevention and the treatment of cancer.

Body weight

Maintaining a healthy weight reduces the risk of more than 10 types of cancer.

Physical activity

Physical activity reduces the risk of many types of cancer. In addition, it can help maintain a healthy weight and keep the heart functioning properly. Physical activity has been linked to the prevention of dozens of diseases and the acquisition of well-being.

Skin safety

The best way to protect yourself from skin cancer is to limit your exposure to UV rays from the sun, as sunlight is the number one risk factor for developing the disease.


The HPV vaccine is the best protection against HPV and related cancers. All boys and girls between the ages of 11 and 12 are advised to complete the range of HPV vaccines.

Blood test for hepatitis C

Hepatitis B and C are likely to cause long-term illness, leading to liver damage and liver cancer. Hepatitis C can also cause non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. Thus, regular blood tests are considered necessary.

Medical coaching

Medical Coaching offers

Consulting Medicine, monitoring and / or treatment

Setting weekly goals

Providing guidance to increase physical activity

Provide guidance for dealing with addictive behaviors and for adopting healthier habits

Training in dietary guidelines and maintaining a diet aimed at weight loss

Identification of stressors and how to manage them

Continuous support to the patient